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:: Volume 6, Issue 2 (summer 2022) ::
Iran J Cult Health Promot 2022, 6(2): 265-273 Back to browse issues page
Spiritual Conduct Foundations of Spiritual Health
Mohamadjavad Roodgar
Research Institute for Islamic Culture and Thought (iict)‎
Abstract:   (1198 Views)
Background: Spiritual health is the most fundamental existential need in the system of creation (from birth to death) and legislation (from the initial to the final evolution) of human beings. It has direct and indirect frequencies, as well as corresponding, inclusion and implied implications in the Quran, the tradition, and revealed teachings. Thus, Quranic verses, hadiths and supplications, and the Fourteen Impeccable’s biography and lifestyle are rich sources in researching and clarifying the Spiritual conduct (sulūki) foundations of spiritual health, which have special importance, necessity and sensitivity.
Methods: According to the identity of spiritual conduct and the esoteric nature of spiritual health, this research has endeavored to describe the foundations of spiritual health via a rational method (argumentative explanation of spiritual conduct teachings) and narration (referring to Quran and the traditions, inferences from religious texts, and obtaining revelation teachings).
Results: The most important findings of the present article include the following: a) the rational soul is the basis of movement and transformation and all-round transformation of the essential truth of human existence (ontological and anthropological foundations), and mental and heart health (healthy reason and heart), with the ability to know and be the generator of inspiration knowledge (epistemological foundations). It is the infrastructure, equability of  temperament, the ruling spirit and the dominate discourse on spiritual health, which is objectified by the real closeness to God and the manifestation of the Divine Names and Divine Attributes (teleological foundations). b) Expressing, explaining and proving that spiritual health is the foundation for psychic and social health and then a preparation for emotional, cognitive health and health in aspects and other differences can be its implied result.
Conclusion: Spiritual health, is the infrastructure of health in other areas of human existence (physical, psychological, and social), and on the other hand, it is in the relationship and continuous interaction with these areas, because spiritual wayfaring (sulūk) and health have an all-round connection and interaction and a dialectical relationship. Spiritual health is the cause of Introversive sulūk and the esoteric course and spiritual wayfaring is also the complete cause of spiritual health, which will have various foundations.
Keywords: Mental Health, Spiritual Health, Temperament
Full-Text [PDF 516 kb]   (385 Downloads)    
Letter: Perspective | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/06/28 | Accepted: 2022/07/20 | ePublished ahead of print: 2022/08/30 | Published: 2022/09/22
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Roodgar M. Spiritual Conduct Foundations of Spiritual Health. Iran J Cult Health Promot 2022; 6 (2) :265-273
URL: http://ijhp.ir/article-1-568-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 2 (summer 2022) Back to browse issues page
نشريه فرهنگ و ارتقاء سلامت Iranian Journal of Culture and Health Promotion
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