Sport Management, Department of Sport Sciences, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract: (997 Views)
Background: Children's health and weight control, prevention of diseases in adulthood, and institutionalizing a healthy lifestyle are very important. The purpose of this study was to constructof lifestyle model with Health, weight control and obesity approach in children. Methods: This research was conducted by qualitative content analysis method. The study population included ten semi-structured interviews with professors of sociology and sports management and experts in the field who were selected by a targeted sampling method with snowball techniques. The researcher reachedtheoretical saturation by conducting ten interviews. The information received from the interviews was analyzed by coding in three open, central and selective stages, with 189 initial codes, 15 sub-categories and 9 main categories. Results: The results showed change of attitudes and life skills as causal factors; psychological, family-orientationand proper nutritional pattern as context factors;and cultural development and environmental health as intervening factors. Also axial programming of daily activities, strategy and physical and mental health were identified as the consequences of a healthy lifestyle. Conclusion: Therefore, in the direction of comprehensive planning for children's physical activity, paying special attention to parental education and the use of healthy and hygienic food sources are recommended.
Rahmanian Kooshkaki B, Roshanrooz M, Ghodratnama A. Health-basedLifestyle Pattern with the Approach of Physical Activity in Children. Iran J Cult Health Promot 2023; 6 (4) :630-637 URL: